Wind power plants operate by means of a turbine and convert mechanical wind energy to electrical power. In fact, wind power plants are several turbines assembled in one or more places and integrated into a single network.
Wind power plants complement the main electricity capacity and are also a source of electricity in remote locations where it is difficult to secure electricity supply otherwise.

  • Equipment

    Modern wind turbines are produced by leading companies in many countries of the world, among them the market leaders are: Vestas (Denmark), Nordex (Germany) and MingYang (China).

  • Ecology

    The operation of modern wind farms does not pose any threat to human health and the environment. Wind power generation has many advantages for the region’s environmental situation:
    • do not require fossil fuels;
    • there are no process emissions;
    • low operating costs.
    Each kilowatt-hour produced by the turbine prevents the release of approximately 1 kilogram of harmful substances into the atmosphere, which are inevitably formed when burning fossil fuels.

  • Fuel

    The only source of “fuel” for wind farms is wind-its speed and direction. Preliminary studies of the wind potential of the area are carried out. Anemometers (devices for measuring wind) are installed at an altitude of 60 to 100 meters, and for one or two years collect information about the speed and direction of the wind. This information is combined into maps of wind energy availability.