Khmelnitsky biogas power plant. The Capacity Of 659 KW
Тип станції:
Biogas power plants
Розміщення: city Khmelnitsky
Gas-electric generator set in Khmelnitsky city. It was put into operation in November 2017. The Capacity of 659 kW.
Інші проекти
Polissya TPP
Power – 5.8 MW.The planned capacity of the facility is 5.8 MWh. Thermal power plant biofuels – wood chips and energy willow. The target date is October 2021. Currently, Polissya TPP is operating in test mode.
Lutsk biogas power plant. The Capacity Of 330 KW
+Gas-electric generator set in Brische of the Volyn region. It was put into operation in November 2017. The Capacity of 330 kW.