Clear energy company together with NTUU KPI specialists developed heat exchange surfaces made of flat-oval pipes with incomplete finning.
As a result of research, a highly efficient heat exchanger for outgoing flue gases has been developed.
– Increase efficiency by 4-6 %
– Saving natural gas
– Quick payback
– Low aerodynamic drag
– Reducing the cost of welding and installation work;
– Improved manufacturability and maintainability
Typical modular design of the heat exchanger for outgoing flue gases.
Implemented project:
PJSC "Kyivenergo" heat exchanger for boiler DKVR-10M
+3.2% efficiency
The saving of natural gas for one heating season is up to 154,000 m3
KP "Vishnevskogo" heat exchanger for boilers PTVM-30m
+4.25% efficiency
The saving of natural gas for one heating season is up to 640,000 m3
"Kraft Foods Ukraine" heat exchanger behind the boiler Standardkessel HD0101-11
+6% efficiency
The saving of natural gas for one heating season is up to 204,000 m3